AVI - Australian Volunteers International
AVI stands for Australian Volunteers International
Here you will find, what does AVI stand for in International under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Australian Volunteers International? Australian Volunteers International can be abbreviated as AVI What does AVI stand for? AVI stands for Australian Volunteers International. What does Australian Volunteers International mean?Australian Volunteers International is an expansion of AVI
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Alternative definitions of AVI
- Audio Video Interleaved (movie)
- Audio Video Interleave
- Audio Visual Interface
- Audio Video Interleaving
- Audio Video Interlace
- Auditory- Verbal International
- Automated Vehicle Identification
- Ciego de Avila, Cuba
View 59 other definitions of AVI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ASC Alberta Securities Commission
- AASI American Ambulance Service Inc.
- AGI Anand Group India
- ASL Axis Sales Ltd.
- AAAA American Association of Advertising Agencies
- ASO Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
- AMG Academy Music Group
- AHN Academy of the Holy Names
- AITC Australian Industry Trade College
- AIS Assured Information Security
- AMRF African Medical and Research Foundation
- AGECE AGE Concern England
- ADS Arizona Daily Star
- ACS Ashland City Schools
- AKIS Al Khor International School
- ANZMTG Australia and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group
- ASTL Aitken Spence Travels Ltd
- ACSA American Community Schools of Athens
- ALCL Arnold Laver and Co Ltd
- AFC Adelaide Festival Centre